Re: PagePool Changer Is Here And Works
I haven't seen anyone posting results they got with this, so here are mine:
I upped my pagepool to 32MB (hey, I have spent 2 days playing and have never had less than 100 meg of ram free before I made this change) on the stock rom (downloaded from another post on here), and so far I gotta tell you... this is awesome! I've never seen a windows mobile this fast and painless to use. 6MB is definitely not high enough; that's the same as what my mogul used!
I have also boosted every performance tweak in Advanced Config as high as it could go. OS use shows 84.76 Meg in "Device Information" and life is good.
The only bug I'm seeing right now is that for some reason in landscape mode some text (particularly the font used in textboxes) doesn't display correctly. I don't think this is related to the pagepool (don't see how it could be), but if someone else tries it let me know for sure if you experience the same problem.
- Taxilian
Disclaimer: 87.4% of all statistics are made up on the spot. Author is not responsible for any inaccuracy in his posts -- If you were foolish enough to think that he actually knows what he's talking about and bad things happened as a result, he takes no responsibility for that either. Not responsible for shin damage due to software not working on your girlfriend's phone. Author is also easily amused.