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Old 11-03-2008, 01:15 AM
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Re: [In Development] Juicy 2.8 [SYS OS 5.2.19965 Build 22222]

Originally Posted by SprintTouch08 View Post
Juicy, you should take some OEM's out of this kitchen release. Some stuff is older than in your ROM but a few are newer off the HD- like newer album, social networking, newer camera, etc.

Adobe PDF - 2.5.103401
Advance Power Management - 1.5.1818
Album - 2.5.1820
App Service - 1.61
ArcsoftMMS -
Audio Manager - 1.6.1818
AutoShortcut - 1.1.1
AutoVolumeControl - 1.2.0
BluetoothSetting - 2.11
BootLaucher - 1.03533
BTBPP - 1.6.8
BTFTP - 1.2.33309
ButtonSetting -
Camera - 6.4.32007
CheckAutoRun -
Concurrence MGR - 1.2.181928
CyberonVoice - 1.2b08073
DRMMiddleware 1.0.080630
DShow 2.00.0809
EnlargeStartMenu 1.235331
EzInput - 1.5.32548
FullScreenPlayer - 1.05.08091
GSensorCalirator - 1.0.181941
HTCAnimation -
HTCApplication -
HTCGesture - 1.0.32356
HTCSettings - 1.3.8
Labyrinth - 1.3.181733
LargeTitlebar - 4.40.0
LockStreamDRM - 1.1.080625
LongPressEndKey 1.1.34078
MHub - 6.57.0804
mHubVO - 1.62.08091
MP3Trimmer 1.1.181636
MyCPL - 3.13.03
OutlookEnhacement - 1.0.33540.4
Phonecanvas - 3.40.32288
PictureEnhancement - 1.50.1813
Playshow - 1.0.181628
Power - 2.18
QuickGPS - 1.00.1820
RandomAccess - 4.1.1820
RingtonePlugin - 1.00.0806
SensorSDK - 3.3.181928
ShareDLL - 2.0.080716
SmartTouch - 1.031096
SocialNetworkEngine - 1.0.182019
Streaming Media - 3.0.182024
StreamingSrcFilter - 2.5.1821.922
TaskManager - 2.1.34563
TouchFlo - 3.0.32567.1
USBtoPC - 1.2.0
USBtoPCPopUP - 2.0.181721
USSD Service - 4.28
VersionInfo - 1.0.181825
VoiceRecorder - 1.10.18151
VolumeControl - 1.6.181927
WiFiSetting -
WLANSetting - 2.3.0
XT9_IME - 1.5.31925
Youtube - 1.0.1817.3
Zip - 1.21.1817

We've been there and done that.

HTC Album does'nt work, Social Networking doesn't work.

Tons of stuff doesnt work from the HD... hence why my rom shot up to 2.1.1 learned the hard way. Also why juicy went from 2.7 > 2.8 in less than a day.

Way too many problems.
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