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Old 11-02-2008, 10:56 PM
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Unhappy Re: HTC Touch HD 480x800 WVGA! Look out Touch Pro!

Originally Posted by jethro_static View Post
That is a great news. But like HTC said, By the time it comes to the U.S., It would not be new anymore. I will not wait for that and I will believe it when it's here. treybeno started this thread long before U started urs. So we will end it here.
Ya'll take this stuff too personal. I was just passing on info that I had received that may shed some light on the obviously unanswered questions of "if & when". That is why I took the time to reference all those quotes, so each one would get notification that there was a response to their post & they could see new info.

As for me mentioning my thread, if u paid attention to the quote with it u would see that I was responding to 2 posts about needing a place to discuss the HD without cluttering the Pro thread. I was just offering an unofficial place for people to talk. I mean I have nothing to gain by trying to take people from his thread. I thought I was helping everyone, including those complaining. Obviously some of you geeks are not going to be happy with anything I say. Is it possible for ya'll to just sit back & say OK well I knew that, but maybe she helped someone that didn't. Or I'm sure she didn't intend to step on anyones toes. I thought the point was to help each other and share info. Not knock each other down and be snippy.
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