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Old 11-02-2008, 01:09 AM
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Re: Retention Offer Revoked : EMT Dprt????

Yeah i mean i kind of have to agree, i wouldn't have extended anything until the phone was ordered and shipping out. You should know by now after years on sprint and a year here how Sprint operates and the horror stories. You wouldnt give a random person money to buy a used car from when they didnt have the car to give to you right then and there. I have no clue why you resigned trusting them to honor a price for a phone that wasnt even out at the time instead of waiting to make that deal and resign...

I mean basically its your word against theirs now and there can be a debate whether you just resigned to resign or were induced by the promise of the phone pricing when they deny offering it. SHOULD they give you what they promised, sure. Do they HAVE to, no.

Leaving Sprint wont solve anything other than youll waste more money on another carrier after a mere few months of service then the full price of the Pros you would hae bought- think about that one.

Also if you resigned a contract you obviously have 30 days to revoke it. Call them and say put me back to my old contract and THEN renegotiate the phone pricing. Theres no reason you cant back out of resigning, you have 30 days. So there's no real reason to be up in arms yet freaking out about it and saying im leaving and etc etc because you can back out of the contract with the 30 day rule.

Last edited by SprintTouch08; 11-02-2008 at 01:13 AM.
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