Originally Posted by biggie3d
I have an HTC Touch with Sprint and I called Verizon's customer service and asked them if I could get it activated and they said no. I thought it was a bunch of crap. So, can I actually get my HTC Touch with Sprint activated with Verizon?
Yes you can but it is not as easy as jbearamus makes it sound because the haven't implemented that plan completely yet.
There are a couple of how to posts already that you can follow.
I used the second link and am now working on Verizon just fine.
One thing I did different was to call *228 and select option 3 to get my phone activated. Worked like a charm (please let me know if it works for you as I have not seen any one else post this info before). Only problem I have so far is that my device shows up as unknown on Verizon's computers. Other then that I have everything working including data.