If you get a Trinity, just dont get a white one.
Yeah!, but, well... Don't get a black one either!
Seems you have brought up the other conundrum that has helped to keep me from pulling the trigger on a Trinity... I totally agree with your aesthetic verdict here Colonel - I haven't seen this thing in person, but the pics I have seen of the "white" model are certainly not doing it for me. However, I have decided that if I get one, it will definitely be the "white" version. How so?
Seems that the other option available (a sweet-looking black Trinity) has a nagging little paint peeling problem (at least in HTC's P3600 variant). I ask you all - how ridiculous is this??? I guess I'm just still in awe that HTC could miss something like this - I just don't see how they could have taken such a well specked device (that I think in all rights should have been seen as one of their flagships), and hork up all the available paint jobs so badly... (sigh)...