There are several methods for tethering the Touch so there seems to be some confusion on the best/fastest method out there.
I previously had the HTC Mogul and used the "Wireless Modem" method to tether to my laptop. Worked flawlessly, fast, and provided a rock solid connection via USB and BT. Needlessly to say, I found this "wireless modem" method to be the best.
Credit for this method goes to TalynOne in the HTC Titan forum.
Step by step instructions are provided by TalynOne here:
Why is this better than other methods such as Internet Sharing, PDANet, or USBModem?
Better than PDANet because:
It's free
Doesn't rely on ActiveSync
Can be shared. Since "Wireless Modem" works through a dial-up adapter, on Windows XP/Vista machines it can be shared with other clients via ICS (Internet Connection Sharing). For instance I've connected via my laptop, and shared that connection via a crossover network cable from my laptop to an XBox 360, to let the XBox 360 access the Internet!
Better than USBModem because :
It's free (Wireless Modem's behavior is pretty much identical to USBModem)
Better than the "Internet Sharing" application (included with WM5 AKU3+) because:
It's not NAT'ed, you get a public IP with "Wireless Modem". NAT'ed connections are problematic with some games and applications, such as certain VPNs.
Since it's not NAT'ed there's less communication overhead, resulting in a slightly better latency, and faster transfer speed.