Originally Posted by TurboFool
Same answer I gave you before. If there was a spray-on condom that had all the benefits and didn't decrease sensitivity, I'd wear it. I've already got two kids. I don't want an accident. Since they don't, though, I go without.
Same applies here. Have you USED the included screen protector or the Boxwaves? Try them before you continue to state that they make the screen less responsive.
I would not use it, too much of a hassle.
No, I have not used the included (don't have a TP yet) or a Boxwaves protector. In my experience I have never see a protector that felt the same and more importantly, you could not see it on the phone. Granted I have not looked either. In my experience a completely invisible screen protector that feels good is in the same category as your spray on condom, vaporware.
Again I could be wrong about this screen protector existing, if it does I apologize.