Originally Posted by Malatesta
If you use a 3200mah battery on the Treo I don't think the Q is for you (standard battery is only 1130mah).
I wouldn't mind carry around my USB charger for it, and I would always have a car charger. The 3200 is just a way to not have to do that on a constant basis. I wouldn't because I am a teacher and I could always charge it while in the class.
Originally Posted by Malatesta
On the whole, the Q is a great lite smarthphone. It has less available Program and Storage memory than the 700wx therefore it tends to slow down (but for normal things, surfing, email, RSS, photos, it's plenty fine and you wont' really notice, though as a whole it is slightly slower than the Treo).
I've actually slowed down my Treo before, so I can only imagine what I would do to the Q. I was in the store the other night and while it is sexy, I used the store managers with the photo contact rotating Today screen plugin; man I thought it was so sluggish and wimpy feeling.
Originally Posted by Malatesta
The Q is great for someone who primarily needs a cellphone that can do some PPC stuff. BT is also amazing on the Q.
I think I am a guy who uses a PPC that does a phone. I am most DEF using more data apps (i.e. IRC, PIE, AIM, SMS) than voice calls.
Originally Posted by Malatesta
The Treo is a PDA that is a great phone and the 6800 is a PDA with a phone built in. almost as an afterthought.
Most likely the only issue I have with the 6800 over the 700WX is the form factor. I mean, it is so much easier to do things one handed with the letters already at your finger tips! Responding to SMS is a breeze on the TREO, where on my 6700 I feel like its a chore. However, more programs will work for the 320x240 resolution on the 6800.
Originally Posted by Malatesta
The OS is obviously different and takes time to get used to but you can easily do 90% of what you do on the Treo (in fact Slingbox looks better due to 320x240 orientation). The phone part is really good and the dedicated Email button is also helpful. The screen is spectacular (no touchscreen).
Maybe that is why I am so attracted to it... Resolution on that thing is just so much better than the Treo and it's only 80 more pixels. Who would have thought?
Originally Posted by Malatesta
I had problems with entering roaming areas where the device won't switch back (same with Treo) but for the most part Q= very stable.
Roaming is an issue for me, especially when I go to my trailer in the mountains. I need cell service to easily roam from Sprint to Verizon (the WX does it well for me) when I need it to.
Originally Posted by Malatesta
Like I said, they have more in common than differences but the Treo is a very solid, svelt beast of a device. The Q is a small, lite but fully capable smartphone. The battery life cannot compare to even the defualt Treo battery but on a whole, with some tweaks it's not bad.
I think overall I would notice those differences and it would annoy me a lot! I would always think, "My Treo could have done it."
Originally Posted by Malatesta
Also, no Threaded SMS on the Q if that matters.
BIGGGGGGGGG issue for me. I need Threaded chat... had it on my 600, 650, 700p and finally the WX. It's a driving factor for my phone because I do about 3500 texts a month (easily). I wouldn't even consider the 6800 if Dave didn't say the P4000 could handle it.
Originally Posted by Malatesta
At this point, I really like the Q but love the Treo hence why I'm back to using it again.
Thanks, I think you've obviously done what I've asked for me... and it's obvious the Q (or any smartphone for that matter) just won't cut it for someone who uses PPC (ahem, Professional edition) like we do.