Originally Posted by bballintom22
hmmm ok...heres my situation: Says on scheduled delivery for 11/03, even though i ordered it at 830 am cdt. HOWEVER, on the status box under it, it says it is out for delivery. So should i get my hopes up and assume it is correct that it is out for delivery even though it says on schedule for 11/03 delivery?
Anyone have this happen to them and actually got it before the on schedule delivery?
If it is on the truck you will prolly get it. But if they get behind for some reason, first priority goes to stuff scheduled for today. I consistently get stuff delivered before scheduled delivery, though. When I order from newegg with 3 day shipping, they ship from NJ, UPS shows scheduled delivery 3 days after that, but the next day it almost always says on truck for delivery, and I have only had one instance of not receiving it same day that it was put on the truck.