Originally Posted by bballintom22
hmmm ok...heres my situation: Says on scheduled delivery for 11/03, even though i ordered it at 830 am cdt. HOWEVER, on the status box under it, it says it is out for delivery. So should i get my hopes up and assume it is correct that it is out for delivery even though it says on schedule for 11/03 delivery?
Anyone have this happen to them and actually got it before the on schedule delivery?
Does it say that the package is Next Day? If so UPS/FedEx is dound for delivery that day by 7PM. No exceptions. This is a contratual agreement with UPS/FedEx when something is sent via NextDay/Overnight. If it say OUt for Delivery, then it is on the truck. If it does not get delivered I would call UPS/FedEx and let them know. I have never had them tell me that they could not make a second attempt OR allow for pickup. If they say they can't then tell them it is unacceptable and the shipping charges as well as NextDay delivery is contractual.
Both my Dad and myself have done thins on serveral occasions where documents or equipment was worth servral thousds of dollars. There was a resaon why something is shipped overnight. And their justifications for not delivering is never acceptable.
Just food for thought.