just got my tracking info
Tracking Number: 1Z XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Type: Package Status:
In Transit
Your shipment is moving
within the UPS network and should be delivered on the Scheduled Delivery Date. A shipment can remain in this status until it is delivered. Other than time-definite air deliveries, shipments are generally delivered anytime between the hours of 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. to residences, and by close of business for commercial addresses. UPS cannot schedule a specific delivery time within that window.
What should I do if I'm expecting a delivery?
This is the most up-to-date information about the status of your shipment. For residential deliveries that require a signature, you can leave instructions for the driver if no one will be home. For example, you can ask that it be delivered to a neighbor who will be home. Shipments that don't require a signature can be left in a safe place at the driver's discretion.
In Transit Service: NEXT DAY AIR SAVER
To view additional tracking information, please
log in to My UPS.
Package Progress Location Date Local Time Description LOUISVILLE,
KY, US 10/31/2008 1:05 A.M. ORIGIN SCAN
it will be coming to san francisco. doesnt say ETA of delivery but it does say "NEXT DAY AIR SAVER" yay! cant wait!