KB that is so cool of you stepping up and giving back.I wish there were more posters like you.I get a couple PM,s a day from users of TA that have offered me free t-shirt form gift certificates .Ive had a couple developers give me a pat on the back letting me know..good job.I get limited thank you in threads like this were the app is posted but hey that ok.
I took a drive to the Sprint store in chesapeak VA to pic up a charger I could not find anyware and a rep there noticed my wx and was pushing TA my direction lol pretty funny really..So the app is being used well.That what has always mattered to me.I need nothing for I have it all unless my team can figure out something I need for my PPC lol
Talking to many users of the app trying to give back in pm and your post as well i'm going to start up a donation to be given to the team.The #1 donation should go to mort first!!!If any users of this app have a couple extra buc,s leftover they can feel free to share with the team.
Once again thanks for your post.
Phil C