Thoughts on the Q as an alternative to my WX
I guess I am really asking people who have used the WX and the Q and what are the pro's and con's for each. (Mal, I know you think the WX is the Caddie of phones, but what can you tell me for argument of the Q).
I have to use a 3200 extended battery on my WX with about 40-60% remaining by evening (this obviously tells you how I use data/voice daily) so I guess I am a power user. Will the Q hold up? I heard it chokes on power when running more than two things... and I like the ease of how I can close things out quickly with touchscreen. I am probably leaning towards the 6800 (which is very slim and sexy but no where near the stylishness of the Q) but I did want to know what thoughts of the Q were in general.
Thanks for the input guys.