Originally Posted by JM-PDA
Here is what I did:
1) Delete any data.img or system.img files on the root of the SD "Storage Card"
2) Create a folder on the SD "Storage Card" called "Android". You can probably call it anything you want.
3) Open the zip file on your PC so you can see the contents.
4) Copy all files to "Android" folder on your SD Card
5) Move the the data.gz and system.gz files to the root (top) of the SD "Storage card". This is important or Android will not boot.
6) Using File explorer on your HTC Touch, open the Haret.exe in the "Android" folder on your SD card.
Good luck!
this is exactly what I've done but I get the green blinking robot-like guy and once it boots I get the locked screen and upon unlocking with the down volume button, the touch screen is not responsive.