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Old 10-29-2008, 09:51 PM
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Re: Anyone returning thier Touch Pros?

Originally Posted by staticent116 View Post
what i dont understand to those of u who are having issues witn your pro is this: why get the pro when it first comes out anyways? everyone knows that there is always going to be something wrong with the first wave of something that comes out. xbox 360s, ps3s, cell phones, etc. i was one who bought the touch diamond when it came out because of the previous phone issues i had and the fact that sprint gavd me a great deal on it. i didnt know it had JUST came out! but like alot of other people, i had alot of issues with the sound and d-pad and a month later returned it. got my replacement last week amd works perfect! longer battery, gets warm after hours of use (not hot), and the d-pad is very smooth and responsive to its INTENDED commands. i love the pro and want to get it, but im going to hold out a few months so they can take notice of the kinks and work them out and then get it. yes, the registry hacks are cool, but u shouldnt have to use them to fix things that should ALREADY be working out of the box, they should be more for adding and enhancing. to those who got flawless pros, congrats! but to those who didnt, thats the price u pay when u rush. first wave releases are always the riskiest buys.
Waiting for release from Sprint is going to get a better phone or kinks worked out. Sprint just delayed it to get inventory upso ther won't be heavy backorder issues. That is what i reaf and was told from Sprint. I believe everything is the same on the Best Buy version and from Sprint.
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