Originally Posted by rileyfreeman
this thread has gone up 11 pages since 932am. that was the last time critic posted. i gotta say its a mess trying to look for stuff. its mostly sprint users who have their release date. best buy is selling the phone. why dont u guys leave this thread for the others users trying to find out when they are going to get this phone.
the telus, verizon, alltell users.
im not trying to cause anything. but in the 11 pages its been useless information. u guys know when its coming u keep calling to try and see if u get it earlier. cant that info be posted in another thread instead of clogging up this one.
that is kinda true but untill the sprint fully release it than yes sprint wanna know if they can order from telesales just as bad as you want to know your info. yes its been a lil off topic but what thread havent? this is no one carrier thread. no flaming you just stating a fact sprint havent released theres fully yet