Originally Posted by Mrbonner
sounds like my provider. did u have opimum online? and never heard of that verizon thing...is that new and how much a month?
Yeah, I have Optoline. They're notorious for doing that to customers.
FIOS (<-- click to read about) is the state-of-the-art fiber optics. It's only in select areas and you can find out if it's in your area by going
Optonline offers this:
15mbps (up)/ 2mbps (down) = $45/month
(I actually get 2mbps/120kbps)
10/2 = $34/month ($-5 for first 11 months)
20/5 = 44/month ($-5 for first 11 months)
50/5 = $85/month ($-5 for first 11 months)
I'm getting the 10mbps/2mbps for $34 since that's all I need and they don't cap. At the same price point at Optonline, you'll get 5mbps faster speeds and mroe than 2x the upload speed.
Yeah, so ironically I'm going to a) save more than $10 a month b) get faster speeds.