So my close buddy works for sprint and they made him the 800W advocate... He's never used windows mobile and kinda doesn't like it... they gave him an 800W but he's not convinced he wants hit... he sked me.. "if i give you this phone for a night, can you pimp it out for me?"
Absolutely.... ummm.. one little problem... THERE"S A TON OF STUFF THATS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH IT!!! I almost let him down.... until i thought i'd try this...
Here is my Slide theme for the 800W!!! And my god, it is sooooo much nicer on this phone than my touch!!! The resolution, transition, pretty much everything runs smoother on this device... the 800W is a BEAST! All pages animate in direction you slide them. To hide, slide that direction again.
There are no weather images showing because he has not activated the phone and weather panel wouldn't retrieve a forecast. If you wanna see what they look like before downloading, just look at my same theme for the touch.
The only issue is with WAD2, then END key doesn't turn the device screen off, so in the settings menu in my theme, i added a simple button that does so.
I hope you guys digg... i couldn't find anything really cool compatible with this phone, but future apps will be ridiculous, cuz like i said, this thing is a BEEEEAST!
WAD2 RC6 Found here, til the 15th: