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Old 05-26-2007, 04:48 PM
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Re: Two problems with the latest release

Originally Posted by mrgoldst
I really like this release for its stability. I have found two issues.
1) Phone alarm will gradually decrease the system volume from its default 80% in the profile to off over the course of one to two hours. It can be corrected by changing to another profile and then changing back to the original one, but two hours later, it is muted again. The previous beta did not do this. I have already tried re-flashing the ROM. I have had to disable phone alarm on my phone.
2) Logmein. This is a great free program that allows you to control your desktop from your pocket pc screen. It worked through 9.6. I am not sure if there has been a change in the Internet Explorer app or whether PIE is causing a problem. Is there a way to non-destructively remove PIE from the ROM so that I can troubleshoot this?
the frequently asked questions will walk you through removing it.

unsure of arabic characters, ive never localized my phone to another language before.

phonealarm is quickly becoming a pile of sh!t, im going to remove its integration in the next release and just have a custom built cab to install it for those that wish to use it.

for some reason, i cannot send a text to a short code (like google sms), anyone have a clue whats causing this? it worked fine with colone's last rom. i have a spring 6700 btw
what the helll is a shortcode? i need a lot more information than this, what exactly is the error message.

I personally liked Colonel's take on this where the date and time showed up on the top bar.
ive seen screenshots of the date AND time up there, but i dont know how to do it, i have an idea, but never cared enough to figure it out, if you know the reg key for it, ill look into it.

Without changing your PA skin, how could I reset the nimber of voicemails without going to voicemail? An original skin has an alert/dismiss button.
download the program and pull out the original skin and put it in the /windows/ directory. optionally go to pocketmax homepage and download the original skin.

Add two more to the list of possibly needing .NET2:


I think these worked in 9.6 without me upgrading anything.
In 1.6u I'm seeing a message stating: "requires a newer version of .NET compact framework than the version installed on this device"
9.6 has .NET2 built into it as it was part of the kitchen back then. now you would need to install .NET2 if your using applications that require it.

in regards to removing PIE+ ... there is a section in the FAQ on the first page that will walk you through disabling the program and going back to the original browser. I am also debating removing this application along with PA in the next release, new kitchen... whatever haha.


thanks for the links to instructions on the wait screen, ill be making custom ones for each theme here soon. I really like the sonic one, i just gotta go into the BMP and change the white color in the background to transparent. i just found the hex value for transparency so i gotta use reshack and pull em out and rebuild it.
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