Originally Posted by kautious619
First poster here. Hi
I’m using 20755 with Maxx134’s Mega Manilla 19b with no problems. Well just one, and I believe its been talked about. Turning on/off Wi-Fi. When I press the commutations tab nothing happens. The tab flash’s to show it’s been pressed. Not an app killer, I just go to all setting and turn it on/off that way.
And I will like to know the same thing Fitbryan asked about the list
The tab control is problem is because it is associated with another device. WIFI button in your comm manger is what it's supposed to copy.
Originally Posted by fitbryan
Thanks Maxx. Im using the WK-task and it works well. Can you list everything you've kitchened into this thing so I know what I need to add or not via cab(s)? Im wondering if you added/used the landscape by mbavarian? I know he's got another version thats imminent to cut the lag significantly...
also, any chance you can do a straight black version (like the original) but with a digital clock as OEM?
thanks for this its great work.
Yes I will but I dont get to have much time to tinker like I would like to so just once more to make smaller OEM.
I have tried also to make VideoFix cab and YouTube to work but no luck yet so they are not included in this or next OEM... Only essential files are in and you can add those and mbavarian's landscape separately.
This OEM only had what will work for all devices:
"From xda site using Ver19 files.Trimmed for most devices. Google, Album, Audio, and Enhancements are included. Has MP3Trimmer features. Suggested app to add is "Opera_v9_5_Build_2392_QVGA_WWE" or newer. Youtube and Video fixes not included because didnt work for Apache."