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Old 10-27-2008, 12:18 AM
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Re: Touch Pro Reviews

Originally Posted by SporkLover View Post
TP for my bung hole?

I have used it over the weekend and so far it is a worthwhile upgrade over the Mogul...for a few reasons:

1. Responsiveness, the mogul was plagued with little memory, and if you had it loaded up with apps you could easily drain available memory.

2. Touch Screen Flush with rest of case: Makes the screen more usuable IMO. I remember the areas along the edge of the mogul's screen were often hard for me to hit using my fingers... mainly because of the beveled edge.

3. On screen key board.... much more finger friendly

4. Touch Screen more responsive / accurate. Might be a placebo, but I feel like the touch screen is overall more responsive and accurate.

5. Native MMS support! - Yes!

6. Opera Mobile Browser - Way better the Skyfire IMO, and miles ahead of PIE.

Improve areas:

1. TF3D needs to be more customizable. I wish I could take out tabs, and re-order them.
Bro get this it's basically what HHC was to HTC Home! Remove, Re-order and people are working on adding custom tabs.
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