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Old 10-26-2008, 10:03 PM
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Re: Touch now $49, Mogul 299??WTF

Originally Posted by Spencer_Moore View Post
not as much as i regret signing with sprint...everything bout it blowss i want back to big red
Eww I would take Sprint over Verizon any day of the week. Verizon gimps their phones too much for my liking. And I'm sorry...I have been with Sprint since 97 with brief periods of being with Verizon, AT&T (when it was seperate from Cingular) and Cingular. So far, I would have to say Sprint has been the best all around. Best combonation of phones, service, and customer service. There has never been anything I need from Sprint that they haven't given me. And now, they are getting even better with the service reps on the phone. Their online chat service rox.
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