10-26-2008, 07:55 PM
PPCGeeks Regular
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]
Originally Posted by Juicy47
*** By downloading any files, you verify that you have the appropriate licenses for all software contained herein ****
Thanks: cmonex, ghettofreerydr, Juggalo_x, Tobey, dcd (xda)
Juggalo_X, Blue1k, EUSANPE, Starmans, hodd, Devileyezz, leanne, burnmac, jregehr, jyxent, manxam, bobbenedetti, billo0071, kevank, saflang, xxza, mercado79
This ROM is intended to remain as close to a stock ROM as possible, while increasing speed, performance, and removing bloatware.
This ROM also features convenience features such as
- enhanced battery life
- long press call key to rotate the screen
- long press end key to lock the device
- custom htc start-page in opera
- custom communication manager
- etc. (please read exhuastive change-log below)
CURRENT VERSION (Sprint): Juicy 2.6 (Mirror) *updated*
ARCHIVED VERSIONS (Sprint): Juicy 2.5
[+] Updated SYS 20921
[+] New phcanOverbmp.dll (Alltel Custom)
[#] Fixed Backlight Bugs
[#] Further tinkering in Opera (changed Preloader settings, custom user agent)
[#] Fixed Battery Issues
[ ] New Base (1.13.671.2)
[ ] New Custom 20755 XIP *thanks TobeyChris*
[#] Custom SIP tweaks
[#] 16mb Pagepool Default
[+] UC Support *Thanks Ghetto*
[+] OneNote Mobile *useful for those using Office2007*
[+] Updated D3D Drivers *enhanced performance*
[+] Updated Battery
[+] Power Service Drivers
[+] Updated GPS Drivers *improved accuracy*
[+] Updated Rilphone Drivers *no more flickering signal bars*
[+] Updated GSensor Drivers
[+] Updated Touch Drivers
[+] Autorun Package (
[+] HTC Task Manager (2.1.30588.1)
[+] HTC Album (2.0.1817.3420.0)
[+] HTC Advanced Power Management (1.5.18183829.0)
[+] HTC Audio Manager (1.5.1818.2331.0)
[+] HTC Camera (6.4.32007.00)
[+] HTC Comm Manager (
[+] HTC Enlarge Start Menu (1.2.35075.1)
[+] HTC EzIput (1.5.32437.0) *smaller screen size*
[+] HTC Long Press EndKey (1.1.34582.2)
[+] HTC Manila (1.1.35083.4_1630.38)
[+] HTC Message (
[+] HTC Phone Canvas (3.40.32288.1)
[+] HTC Picture Enhancement (1.50.1814.1822)
[+] HTC QuickGPS (1.00.18173430.1)
[+] HTC Random Access (4.1.18191130.0)
[+] HTC Sensor SDK (3.3.18174131.1)
[+] HTC Streaming Media (3.0.18191933.00)
[+] HTC Volume Control (1.2.18174025.0)
[+] XT9 IME (1.5.32222.1)
[+] YouTube (10.1819.2130)
[+] Updated Backlight Driver
[+] EPSTLab (
[#] Replaced InternetExplorer with Opera in Start Menu
[#] Fixed ActiveSync Bugs
[#] Fixed Exchange Bugs
[#] Updated SYS-Base *Thanks Ghetto*
[#] Fixed theme/wallpaper issues with Manila
[#] Cleaned Operator Packages
[#] AudioPara *defaulted to TELUS stock settings*
[#] X to Close in HTC Album
[#] Enabled HTC Task Manager on today screen as default
[#] Consolidated Opera Tweaks; incl. identifier = Victor
[#] Re-ordered Application Launcher in Manila
[+] HTC Album (2.0.18173231.0)
[+] HTC LongPress EndKey (1.1.34309.5)
[+] HTC SmartTouch (1.0.31096.0)
[+] HTC RandomAccess (4.0.18172626.0)
[+] GoogleMaps (
[+] RSS Hub (
[+] Hidden Notification Settings *Thanks Juggalo!*
[+] Updated Display Drivers (1.93 GSM ROM) *ddi.dll*
[#] Restored green highlight
[#] Changed Manila Tab Order *matches leaked images of Alltel ROM*
[#] Fixed NET CF3.5
[#] Fixed Mobile Calculator
[+] Full CE OS 20755 *Thanks Ghetto*
[+] HTC Manila (1.1.34821.0.1630.38) *ported from US GSM Diamond*
[+] HTC QuickGPS (1.00.18171729.0)
[#] Enhanced Battery Life
[#] Removed legacy issues with old battery.dll
[#] MS "Orb" in start bar *replaces flag image*
[#] Press "X" to close is default in TaskManager
[#] TaskManager invisible on Today Screen by default
[#] ActiveSync added to Exclusive Programs list in TaskManager
[#] Fixed Buffering in YouTube App
[#] Added MS Live, and GMaps in AppLauncher (Manila)
[#] Back to 6mb PP (default) *PP Changer App included*
[#] Enhanced Java Support for Opera 2392
[#] Dynamic Pagepool *0mb PP*
[#] Reverted to stock Battery.dll *% interval was inaccurate*
[#] Reverted to stock phcanOverbmp.dll
[#] Sprint PhoneCanvas
[#] HTC Battery Monitor ( *visible in \windows\ folder*
[#] VGA skin fix for Opera 2392
[#] Restored Large Menus
[#] Fixed louder Audiopara issues
[#] Fixed ActiveSync issues some users were experiencing
[+] Juicy Style CommMgr ( *change order, no flight mode, add IR switch*
[+] HTC Audio Manager (1.5.18173421.0)
[+] HTC GSensor Calibrator (1.0.18182119.0)
[+] HTC LocationSettings (
[+] HTC TouchFlo (3.0.29946.52)
[+] HTC Volume Control (1.0.1817.2830.0)
[+] SYS updated to 20755 *everything but MSXIP/OSXIP; Thanks Ghetto*
[+] Opera Mobile 9.5 (Build 2392) *includes new zoom function*
[+] Teeter (1.3.1817.3323.0)
[+] YouTube (1.0.1817.3525)
[#] Proper Carrier Support
[#] 16MB PagePool
[#] Enhanced AudioPara *speaker & bluetooth*
[#] Startup Sound
[#] Fixed Bluetooth/VoiceCommand Issues
[#] Restored Outlook Enhancement *some menus weren't working correctly*
[#] Restored Opera as system level browser
[#] Fixed Menu Size
[#] Resolved Network Issues *Thanks Juggalo_X *
[#] Fixed SIP/EzInput Errors
[#] Fixed Dialpad skinning glitch
[#] Fixed Plus-Code Dialing Errors
[+] HTC Manila (1.2.34591.1.1813.6) *modified UK Release*
[+] Opera Mobile 9.5 (Build 1907) *fixed screen rotation bugs, further reduced start-up*
[+] Battery Enhancements
[-] End Call Delay
[ ] Fresh Start
[#] Fixed BT Issues in 1.10
[#] Solved Inbox Errors
[#] Enabled Tap and Hold X-Button
[#] Enhanced Touch Sensitivity
[#] Battery Enhancements
[#] Restored Plus Code Dialing
[#] Stronger Vibrate in Teeter
[#] Updated EzInput dlls from Sprint ROM
[#] Updated Phonecanvas from Sprint ROM
[#] Disabled OutlookEnhancement by default *still in ROM*
[+] HTC Caller Avatars
[+] Opera PreLoader *reduces Opera start-time*
[+] Enable Startup Sound
[-] HTC Advanced Power Management *source of TFlo3D/Data bugs*
[-] Call History Tab
[-] Calendar Tab
[#] Full CEO OS 20748
[#] Fixed compatability with extended camera mode
[#] Disable SIP (Keyboard) Auto Deploy
[#] Landscape Support for Enlarge StartMenu
[#] Fixed issues with landscape text *disabled cleartype on landscape*
[#] Battery Enhancements
[#] Expanded Manila Package *includes missing pieces from HTC Raphael*
[#] Ignore all buttons but power on "Lock"
[#] HTC Animated Splash Screen
[+] Automatic Prepend
[+] Manila Calendar Tab *thanks D-MAN666*
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.20721 Build 20748.1.4.0
[#] Full CE OS 20721
[#] 5% Battery *thanks Ghetto*
[#] Defaulted Long-Press Send Key to Rotate Screen
[#] Defaulted Long-Press End Key to Lock Device
[#] Simplified Welcome Screen
[#] Disabled Voice Command Auto-Start
[-] Customer Feedback
[-] WModem
[-] High Density Menus
[+] Google Maps (
[+] Landscape Support for SPB Calc (Manila Skin)
[+] Hidden Camera Functions *burst/sport/geotag/videoshare*
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273/20721
[#] Enhanced Battery Life
[#] Decreased G-Sensor/LightSensor Polling Interval
[#] Re-Adjusted Scrolling
[-] Adobe Flash Lite 3.1 *waiting for a stable release*
[+] High Density Menus
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273/20721
[#] Reorganized Program Launcher
[#] Cleaned up Call History
[#] Bug Fixes
[#] Updated Windows Live (
[#] Album Close on 'X'
[#] Increased TouchFlo Sensitivity
[#] LightSensor Enhancements
[#] Scrolling Enhancements
[+] % Battery Icon
[+] TimeSync
[+] Adobe Flash Lite 3.1
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273/20721
[#] TF3D Tweaks
[#] HTC Album Zoom Enhancement
[#] G-Sensor Enhancments
[#] Opera Tweaks * custom build, new start-page, faster rotation *
[+] Scrollwheel Support * use your scroll-wheel to navigate all applications*
[+] Landscape Support
[+] ClearType in Landscape mode
[+] WakeUp on SMS
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273/20721
~140 MB Free RAM on boot
[#] SYS Shell updated to 20721
[#] Reverted Back to Custom Opera Build
[#] Increased GlyphCache
[#] Enhanced GSensor Settings *including flip to mute*
[#] Enhanced GPS Settings
[#] Network Enhancements
[#] Updated Pocket RAR (3.8)
[-] VoIP Support *broken*
[+] WakeUp on E-Mail
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273
~140 MB Free RAM on boot
[#] Opera Changes
[#] Fixed Memory Leak from 1.03
[+] Transcriber
[+] PocketRAR (3.7)
[+] VoIP Support
[-] Error Reporting
[-] SMS Sent Notification
[-] OneNote Mobile
[-] HTC Zip
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273
[#] 1% Battery.dll
[-] SQM
[+] Transcriber *BROKEN*
[+] Raphael GSensor Calibrator *moved to settings tab*
[+] Raphael USB2PC (Internet Sharing Option)
CUSTOM CE OS 5.2.19965/20273
[#] SYS Shell/OS/BaseApps updated to 20273
[#] GPS Enhancements
[-] HTC GPS Tool
[+] Diamond QuickGPS
[+] MS VoiceCommand
[+] SPBCalc Diamond Skin
CE OS 5.2.19965 (Build 19965.101 GF)
[-] Catalog
[+] GoogleMaps (
[+] Call History Tab (TF3D)
[+] Custom Telus Boot Screen
[#] HTC GPS Tool *re-located in settings/system tab*
CE OS 5.2.19965 (Build 19965.101 GF)
[ ] Telus 1.06 ROM
[-] Telus Navigator
[-] PocketExpress
[-] Telus E-Mail
[-] Telus Bookmarks
[-] Transcriber
[-] MS VoiceCommand
[-] MS Live Search
[+] .NET Compact Framework 3.5
[+] HTC GPS Tool (
[+] PIM Backup 2.8 *re-located in settings/system tab*
[+] Opera Mobile 9.5 (Build 1938)
[+] Registry Tweaks
I just insatlled 2.6.....now my taskbar is green and not black with no option to change. Why was it changed? How do I put it back like on your 2.4 rom?