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Old 10-26-2008, 02:20 PM
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Re: Tethering with WMWifiRouter .91

this is not exactly what happened in this case. the developer of WMwifirouter really caught the eye of the carriers and what this program could do (as in cripple the carriers own internet connection plans/costs) not to mention if one can use their phone as a high speed modem on a network that can cripple the networks total bandwidth in that area the user is using WMwifi router..

soo, chainfire had to back up and reinvent the program to please the carriers. and in order to do that he had to make it shareware. so although im not the spokesman for chainfire, i dont think this was his intention. ive bene with this app since v.02 and am now using 1.20 and its worth every penny. i understand if some feel cheated and dont want to ssupport the paid version, thats of course their right, but i just wanted to post a different side of the grain...

Originally Posted by Sifter View Post
I have a really hard time with bate n switch. Hey, lets create an app thats totally free intended for free use by the phone community, then when everyone starts using it and cant live without it start charging for it. Riiiight. There are a ton of other users that donate time and efforts on multiple other software for the phone community and they never take it commercial. They rely on donations. They get my money, corporate greed does not and will never get a dime of mine.
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