Originally Posted by sdafasdlkfj
For that last one with the pics.. it does NOT work on Sprint. It may be working for telus, but again, it does not for sprint.
to the guy saying that this is not a bug, it certainly is. stock always found pics from the phone's storage after a reformat of the 4gig internal, and always placed the stock pics back into the 4gig internal. Juicy 2.5 found the pictures after a reformat of the 4gig internal as well.
Okay I switched to Juicy 2.6 from Sprint stock yesterday and my photos are showing up fine. Interestingly, before the photos were stored in /My Documents/My Pictures/ and now they are storing in /DCIM/100MEDIA/.
So it is storing the picture in a new folder (with a new NAMING scheme even! IMAG0001 vs IMAGE_001). But TF3D is showing content from both folders.
And ideas on the why the change? Is it a Telus vs Sprint base thing?