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Old 10-25-2008, 08:41 PM
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Re: Touch Pro Reviews

Ok I have had several WinMo phones in the last 7 or 8 years.
The touch pro has topped them all. I had a diamond and I returned it today.
I got the touch pro.
This phone has the same specs as far as CPU etc, but this is much faster and snappier than the diamond. The keyboard switch out panel is instant.
Battery life is better than on the diamond.

+ things I noticed.
Much better radio. I get a full 4 or 5 bars in my house. I use to only get the little dot bar in the house.
WiFi is alot faster on connect. I connected to panera bread faster than I ever have.
I love the new action screen when keyboard is slid out !
A few new apps are on my phone. Nothing too useful so far though.
Browsing and EVDO speeds are much better.
Battery heat issue is gone. I'm in florida so I dont need a pocket warmer.
The touch pad/butons have a different feel than the diamond. Much firmer but easier to press.

- things I noticed.
Manilla crashes when scolling through pics on my storage card. could be my card or the pics themselves. they were from my mogul.
Weather is down but thats not a touchflo3d issue.

So far thats it, I may come back and edit this post.
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