Hey guys just wanted to thank everyone who kept us updated on the HTC Touch Pro availability and all of the other juicy misc. info! Because of all your guys/gals posts and threads I randomnly checked back this morning to see that some 'select markets' had received them. I am now the proud owner of my Touch Pro- purchased this afternoon from my local Best Buy in West Des Moines, IA. They received their shipment (6 Diamond Touch, 6 Touch Pro) Thursday (10/23/0

afternoon and were allowed to sell their first one Friday. So far I'm the only other one who has bought (feels quite exclusive!!) one. Not every BB is supposedly getting both the Touch and the TP. The higher volume stores seem to be getting both from what I was told. With a new 2yr contract, 20% reward zone discount and $10 off with some reward zone $$$ I got the phone with taxes for $243.18. It is one sweet lady! Good luck to everyone in acquiring theirs!
I had just about lost interest after the Oct. 19th release date came and went with no release, but now the excitement and meaning to life has returned- I guess I'm a techno-geek!