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Old 10-25-2008, 05:49 PM
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Re: * UPDATED * JUICY ROM 2.6 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by dallastx View Post
I think the problem is...Besides Jug and a few others who beta test for telus,sprint,altell.....There are not enough normal users to beta test. Donating shouldnt qualify to test something that chances of working right is slim on the first release. Regualr every day users are the people who need to be beta testers because they have the simple eye.. They may not know very much about the phone, but are the ones who stay at home on the weekend and just play with there phone..There the ones who feel as if they need to test everything to the fullest to make sure there phone works properly. Juicy rom could be a massive rom...its the one everyone looks up too...But i think these people need more directions...How about how to use sprite backup and backup all there programs, info, etc and then flash? That way when there is a problem with the current rom they can revert back till the problem has been resolved. Just a idea from a advaned user"so i call myself" I look at Diamond post from every site every single day every hour to see what people are talking about. Cheers to Juicy man, Jugs, Ghetto, Tobey and all the lets get the regular users involved before theirs a link saying 2.6 updated and then 8 people start complaining within 5 minutes lmao ...... Just a thought, but hey im just "Joe the Plumber" who has no idea just want some airtime
haha, kudos. I check this website, and the juicy thread, everyday at work. I knew it was supposed to be released before the weekend, and low and behold... it was!!! Juicy/Juggs/Tobey provide better customer service than any service provider i've ever been with. I'm gonna upgrade after my battery finally charges. Gonna try the Verizon Radio and Juicy 2.6... I'm very excited. This should be the upgrade I've been waiting for. Sprint has yet to even announce a possible update to the Diamond. I mean... I really don't understand what these companies aim for. The cooks are definately keepin 'Joe the Plumber' a happy camper. Kudos!!!!!!
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