Keep it up J!
Awesome rom. Found the instructions on the same page.
Creating your own customized wait symbol is easy! You just need the freeware Resource Hacker. Then follow these steps:
Create 16 pictures (frames) in BMP format, each one 32x32 pixels or smaller. It doesn't have to be a square. I usually find an animated GIF file, open it up in my graphics program and save each frame as a separate 32x32 BMP file (RGB encoding) or smaller. Close your graphics program.
Copy "gwes.exe.0409.mui" from the Windows directory on your PPC to your PC.
Start Resource Hacker and choose File/Open. Change "Files of Type" to "All Files (*.*)" Open your PC copy of "gwes.exe.0409.mui".
Choose Action/Replace Bitmap.
Here you'll see 16 bitmaps to replace, numbers 1024-1039. One by one, select the bitmap to be replaced, click "Open file with new bitmap," select the bitmaps you created in order, and click Replace.
Choose File/Save.
That's it! You did it--now to put it on your PPC, follow the To Change Symbols Installation instructions.