WOOOOO!!!! CoD2 and THPS2 both working fully accelerated!!! YAY!!!
THANK YOU JUICY!!! PM me your paypal account man you deserve some $ for all your greatness. I'm gonna send you a couple bucks through my friends paypal account as soon as you send me your info and I get a chance to set it up with my friend.
EDIT: AND HOLLY CRAP ARE THE GAMES SMOOTHH!! Man this new D3D driver hit the spot. The GUI is as smooth as it always was supposed to be and the accelerated games are working might smooth now compared to how they ran on the stock sprint rom. So finally I can say that your ROM is 100% better in every aspect to the Sprint ROM, the only little gripe I had was the acceleration for games. I'm off to spill drool on my diamond... in bed.