Re: Best Buy 20% Off Coupon???? Where?
I received my 20% off coupon in the mail from Best Buy. It was a postcard with a UPC barcode for Best Buy to scan in the store.
I have also seen the offer listed on the Reward Zone site when I log in. This just mentions the in store offer but does not have a coupon code or barcode. There have been screen shots of this posted on this forum. I have seen reports of people using this printout to get the discount in the store.
I used the post card last week to buy an Instinct for my wife and got them to give the postcard back to me so I could use it again for the Touch Pro.
When I used my coupon tonight they scanned it and it came up as "20% off Smart Phone" but the amount taken off was $0.00. It took a manager to come over and manually take the %20 discount.