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  #424 (permalink)  
Old 05-23-2007, 06:33 PM
boubert's Avatar
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I have the same batt as all above and get 1 1/2 to 2 days on a charge and heres how

1. keep data connection turned off when not in use ( it only takes a couple of seconds to re-establish when needed )

2. keep backlight turned down to the bare minimum

3. Activ-Sync turn it off

4. dont allow E-mail to auto connect. check it when you think you might have some

5. only use BT and WIFI when needed they will suck the life out of your batt faster than my mother-in-law sucks the life out of me

these 5 simple steps took my batt usage from 6-10 hours to 1 1/2 to 2 days. infact after a 12 1/2 hour work day with moderate usage ( 30 to 45 min of talk time, 20 min of data connection, and checking E-mail 6-7 times) I still have approx 80% left over and can easily go another day to day and a half. hope this helps everyone out.
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