Thank you so much wing for posting this! I was successful at removing both 5 dollar packages and getting unlimited for free! w00t w00t. :P
here's what I wrote...
Im currently on the SERO plan at the 2743 number and just got it on the 4118 line. Now the SERO plan has changed to include unlimited text, which I had to add 300 to each of my lines since I text a good bit. I love my sprint service and the new EVDO towers in my town are great, but I was wondering if there would be anyway possible to get the 300 text package removed and the free unlimited added on both lines? Also does this expire or would it continue for as long as the contract? Thanks for any help in advanced!
Dear Sir,
Thank you for contacting Sprint. I will be happy to assist you regarding the Unlimited Text Messages.
I have removed the 300 Text Messages for $5.00 per month and added the Unlimited Text Messages for free on both the lines of the account as of May 23, 2007. This Unlimited Text Messages will be effective within the next 24 hours.
I would like to mention that this promotional plan (Free Text Messages) does not reflect on the online account. However, it will reflect on the invoice.
Thank you for contacting us, we were happy to assist you. Please feel free to write back if you have any other questions. Have a great day!
Ronald L
Sprint together with Nextel
"Where our customers come first!"
Thanks again and best of luck to the others

PS u just saved me 200+ plus on my phone bill.