To stop Activesync, use the "Running " program right soft key and highlight it and click stop.
What I meant by moderate use was to only run programs when I was actively using them, instead of letting them run in the background. I only run Google maps when I am commuting and then only at the beginning of my trip. I only run wifi or BT when I am on my network or using a BT device. It is a simple matter to start these up when needed and to stop them when done.
I don't often use it use as an all day MP3 player - although I do have Logitech BT FreePulse stereo headphones and have listened to them for hours at a time but I do not consider that moderate use.
I don't check my email every 10 minutes, or whatever all day long as I am usually near a computer.
The same for voice calls - I am usually near a POTS.
Anyway this new ROM is great.
I think I have almost everything working again. I am still have problems with SmartsKey (I moved it from the Ext'd ROM to main memory) and there is some other wierd behavior. For instance when I start a program like Google maps, the volume box opens up and the system volume marker rapidly drops from my usual max setting down to about 30%.