Originally Posted by daryllh
I'm guessing it could be our home region(signal/towers/etc)? I live in Minneapolis and don't know of anybody else on this forum who lives in the area. Would like to compare with somebody else close to home.
I can say that there are so many different phone setups we are comparing. There are those who tweak beyond the alternate ROMs. I for one only install Juicy's latest and this Verizon radio. So, that may mean I'm not as power streamlined as the next guy. Then you have the whole Telus/Sprint difference, exchange email on or off, yadda yadda.
I also live in the Minneapolis area and was looking for someone else. I cannot get my data to connect once I went to the VZW Radio. I have Juicy 2.5 also. I tried several different things with no luck. I then flashed back to the Sprint radio and all is well. I though maybe it was the Mpls area...quess it was me