Originally Posted by goodpic
ok - this is odd. i uninstalled and reinstalled again. now i've been able to pull the channel list up twice. I can see the channels but if i click one and then click play, it scrolls through some text real fast ( i think it said something about not autorized) and then it just reloads the channels. Although i can see the channels again, it says "Unable to load channel...") right above channel 2-xmx. Thoughs??
That scrolling of text probably means you are getting disconnected for some odd reason from XM and C-ApiSRO is attempting to log you back in.
Do me a favor and go to XM Radios website and log into their client application. Verify that your account is working correctly straight from the source.
XM Radio:
You can also create a 3 day temporary account and give that a try. I've heard of some users having difficulties with their accounts while XM is making all of their changes. It's worth a try.
Something tells me that your problem either exists with your subscription or your network settings on your phone. C-ApiSRO is just not smart enough to determine which it is and report back a valid error message. Maybe I should get to work on that.