Originally Posted by colonel
Jlc, you are getting that error because you are trying to replace a dll file with a dll module (folder of files) or vice versa. You will need to remove the offending file before you can copy the replacement file/module.
JBabey, Nice work. I am looking at this now. I never really had issues with BT as some reported. Occasionally the BT link would drop but that was about it.
Anyway, you can use RecMod.exe to convert modules to dll files. However, I believe that some dlls must remain as modules before building the rom. If you need the dlls in file form to create a cab to install to an existing phone, check your dump folder. All the files are converted there.
Thanks Colonel! Ill work up a cab and test. Testing a cab will take me a few days though because I took some time off work for finals so i dont have a demo handset readily available for testing.... that and the BT laptop i tested with is a work demo also haha.
J - I'm sorry, but I couldn't find a link to any files in your posting. It just lead me to an MSDN site with a lot of developer / reg key articles.
Am I missing something?
Those articles and reg keys are the research I did to help me track down all of the files that control the handsets BT. If anyone was curious where I started, i wanted to give them a chance to follow my footsteps if you will. Sorta see the man behind the curtain. There was no magic... just a ton of reading, and a few forums i visited to nail down all of the files.
-Appreciate the support from these forums, Thank you all!