Originally Posted by parkjam
It does seem very flunky to say the least. It would be nice if they made it more like traditional MMS on the user end, yet maintained the PictureMail website. Using sMMS, I have come to enjoy the fact that messages are saved on the server, and I have my aresenal of tactless and tasteless forwarded messages no matter how many times I reflash!
I personally dont like the fact that my messages are stored on a public server. Those are personal. I dont want some hacker to get into my account and look at pictures of my family. Sprint had a flaw in the past that would allow you to get right into anyones picturemail account if you knew their phone number without a password. Google it.. With a bit of time and some leet skilz just about anyone could do it nowadays. I have found a few flaws in the system so far. I know the MMS process, I write MMS and SMS apps at work. We take the image and send it out over a GSM modem card. It then goes to our carrier and the goes through an MMS gateway. IDK.. I just wish sprint would stop trying to re-invent the wheel on so many levels. I understand thats part of progression and creativity, but they just suck at it. They need to start listening to customers needs.