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Old 10-23-2008, 11:58 AM
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Re: Diamond Heating Issues Explained?

Originally Posted by snovvman View Post
High temps affecting battery performance is academic, but if the shield is behind the keypad, I don't see how it can keep the heat from transfering to the battery. Unless there is an air gap or ventilation, a shield can become a heat sink, which can AIDE in transfering heat from one side to the other.

In any event, when the electronics (lower) portion of the phone gets hot, the battery's temp does not go up significantly. I've run two phones with the covers off, along with various routines, and observed that the battery will mostly increase in temp due to high-drain (CPU, radio transmission, etc.), and not from conductive heat. I spent several hours with an infrared pyrometer measuring both the electronics portion and the batteries and found that the batteries stay relatively cool.
it evens out heat distribution. just like the cooling on pc's allot of high end servers offer heat shields on both sides of the board for this reason. heat distribution, evenly means it disipates quicker and reduces hot spots.

a hot spot on the radio side will leak through PCB and cause a hot spot on the back. thats why radio heat causes the back to heat up as well.

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