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Old 10-23-2008, 10:53 AM
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Re: UPDATED 10-21-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1

pagepool is the system memory set on the device. i use the standard almost always, I do not see a real speed differnece in the mb file.

what the pagepool does is it sets aside an amout of memory, and when the device is trying to load a program it will call on that extra memory to load that program faster. the standard size is 12 mb, and you can change it up to around 64 mb. you set the pagepool before you flash the rom.

D3D drivers will not work on the vogue. they are the direct 3d drivers that can be used on the 7500 chipset, but HTC never released the drivers with the device, and no one has been able to get them ported over, and i really doubt it will ever happen. people are now moving on to the diamond and touch pro. I include a differnet version of d3d, it is from the omnia phone. and it is said to help speed up the overall UI of the phone. if it is true or not i am not sure. but it is there anyways.