Originally Posted by 640k
The app is crashing when I logout. (settings - logout).
I still can't stream Sirius, even with Proxy turned off.
I'm not sure what to tell you other than e-mail me a log file. Did you try a hard reset of your device?
I'm streaming Sirius right now from both my development emulator and my HTC Mogul, so this will be hard to fix unless I have more information.
This release doesn't address any Sirius issues either. Sirius didn't appear to make any changes to their network that affected C-ApiSRO, and was working fine yesterday. When XM had failed yesterday I was still able to get into my Sirius account and stream data. Are you sure there isn't something wrong with your Sirius account in general? Have you tried to login using the actual Sirius Player from their website? If you mail me a log file I may be able to see what's going on.