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Old 05-21-2007, 07:16 PM
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Originally Posted by colonel
Trident, I always suggest it just to keep them from saying and noting anything. There was someone else that took their phone in because of USB issues and the tech noted that the "3rd Party" rom could have fried the phone. I just think it is better to take the 20 minutes to flash to an official rom to avoid any problems.
Well I took your advice and I think it was beneficial.
They decided that they couldn't repair it- so I got a refurb! Seems perfect and getting ready to flash & restore now. They seemed surprised when I told them that I heard there weren't any more around.
They gave me a little hassle to get my MSL, but I was nice to them and not beligerent and the manager finally gave it to me. I also got an extra stylus out of the deal.
The final thing I got might be of interest to some... they had some extra documentation for a 700wx sitting around... including an install disk. Which I understand has some nice software on it. Anyone interested?
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