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Old 05-20-2007, 10:34 PM
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Excellent work!

Well, I can't comment on the transferring files via BT, but my BT GPS worked great on the first try! No endless spinning logo or any other BT problems as far as my GPS goes. I now understand why one of the other users wanted the GPS icon to be available. For anyone that uses or wishes to use BT GPS, you can set the phone to use whatever com port you wish for the device itself, then you can tell the phone to use another port so you can use multiple GPS programs at once without the need for GpsGate. GpsGate has some other useful features, but if you don't need them it saves some additional space. Anyway BT GPS is working great under the 1.5uBg build.

PA is also working well. The only weird thing I have noticed is with the profile switching. Big J said he doesn't use that feature anyway, so that may be why it went unnoticed. I noticed that after I added the profiles I wanted, it wouldn't change to the others when I picked them. It turns out that there no settings setup for those. I manually went in and set them up the way I wanted, and now it works great. The only other issue I have with PA is trying to use the WiFi icon. I'm using the B&W Pure skin which I like a lot, but the WiFi has never worked right for it anyway.

I decided to ditch SPB Diary and use the plugins that BigJ already had installed and I must say, it so much faster and I don't really miss the SPB like I thought I would.

I also like the Sonic theme very much!

As always, great job Big J!

I could be satisfied with ROM!

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