Originally Posted by TinMan
Originally Posted by omegax
OK so then how do I disable PA. Its really annoying.
Start....Settings.....Today....Items.... then uncheck PA from the list.
... Unchecking this does not stop the programs functionality. Just because to take the clock off the today screen does not mean you ppc forgets what time it is. When posting please dont be an "internet tough guy" and post something helpful...
I love everything BigJ has put out. Cant blame him for PA being crap.
list of my issues with PhoneAlarm.
*Causes missed calls due to slow ringtone load times(when screen is turned off. Happens more often when phone is off and bluetooth is enabled)
*Causes repeated hang ups on soft reset (a problem listed on almost ever build on their forum)
*Due to how custom the ROM is some features (sms filtering, sms forwarding, call forwarding) DO NOT WORK.
If someone can test it out and get it working let me know!