Originally Posted by cohowap
Thats is 100% exactly right. But the question in hand. This is obviously the main "Issue" with the Mogul, does the fact that they came out with a device that quadruples this amount of ram in the mogul make you(thats a general you, not YOU) feel your entitled to a free TP?
Well here's the main thing too, people bought this phone well knowing what hardware limitations were on this phone. I bought this phone well knowing what is available and it's the perfect multimedia & web browsing unit I've used as a phone. I use opera mini and the PIE Youtube Bundle + TCPMP without issues, I stream my orb content, sync my music with napster without hiccups. Now the ram being at about 23 at boot is kinda lame, but to answer the question if the mogul owners are entitled to a free Touch Pro? I say no...
There are pleanty of devices out there, and other service carries, that can definitely meet their needs. If you're saying that you're entitled to a free TP, you've gotta be then suckered into buying this with false hopes. And I highly believe that everyone knew what they were getting themselves into. People are not incompitent, people will do research and purchase what they find is meeting their requirements.
That's just my opinion, I'm happy that I'm buying the unit either full price or discounted, cause atleast I know I'm not trying to sucker the system in getting a free phone.