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Old 10-21-2008, 01:04 AM
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Sprint Vogue on Alltel No Data

I would like to thank all the chef's who have posted their hard work. I traded someone my Alltel Touch for their Sprint thinking I would have no trouble flashing it to Alltel. I have flashed many "regular" phones to different carriers and I have flashed my Alltel Touch several times. So my dilema comes in when I flashed the Sprint to Alltel.
I "unlocked" it (Thanks coKeMan)
I flashed the Alltel Rom from HTC's site
I found out about changing the MSL so I could program it (It helps having a wife that works at Sprint)
Everything seemed to work except the data.
I have since flashed with Conflipper (Thanks), WDMs (Love it Thanks), and OMJ (Also huge thanks for all your posts)
Here's what's really weird, with OMJ's ROM I got data once. I mean to say I was able to download the weather and do a search on Google. I was able to reproduce this a couple times by reflashing OMJ's ROM. Needless to say I can't go flashing my phone everytime I want to get online. I have searched the forums and have tried quite a few things. I think the only thing I haven't done is try and get Alltel's PPST (Think that's what it is) but I figured since I was using the Official ROM I didn't need it.
If anyone could give me some guidance on this I would appreciate it. I have been without Data since Friday trying to avoid asking for help.
Thanks in advance and hopefully I can return the favor.
Edit: I said I could connect Once with OMJ's ROM. Everytime I was able to connect I was attached to my computer so that had to have something to do with it.

Last edited by plckc; 10-21-2008 at 10:43 PM.