Re: UPDATED 10-3-08 Manilla 2D Alltel 6.1
i know i should probly be posting in the 'official alltel 6.1 update' but this is pretty much the only thread i religously check and have interest in..con and the others are very knowledgable and kind people..anyways... but i flashed to alltels new 6.1 official, and actually love it and cant wait till you build something incredible from it. but i have a question..i use spbBackup. i ionly use it for contacts backup. i dont know if its specifically spbBackup, but when i install my contacts to a fresh flash'd rom, when i get an incoming call, i can see the caller ID's NUMBER, but the persons name about it is like 90% blured out. I guess I will try to re manually add numbers and see if its SPB or its its ROM specific.