Originally Posted by neodorian
Norton is pretty close to the definition of a virus IMO. There is no way I would voluntarily use one of their products.
+1 for that!! Years ago, when Peter Norton was still part of the equation, it was a great product. Used it all the time. Now, it 's to the point where the first thing I will do with a new PC is to uninstall Norton, Symantec, or whatever name it's going by. About 16 months ago, I had to reinstall our wireless printer to our home network. The printer would make it almost 1/2 way into the install process and then hang, due to a running Norton service (BTW, I removed all Norton/Symantec products prior to the re-install). Took me until 1130 PM (I started @ 830) to find where the service was running and kill it. The install when smooth after that.