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Old 10-20-2008, 04:28 PM
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Curious what options I have.

Im currently on the Sprint SERO plan, using an HTC Mogul. I love the phone, and love the price (30 a month) but recently sprint has been adding on insane random charges (the most recent being a $60 bogus roaming charge) and refusing to remove them, and suddenly renewing my contract for added years.

I have no problem calling and screaming and getting off my contract...

My question is, Is there another carrier with low prices and that offers a good pocket pc phone comparable to the mogul? I want to switch, but I dont want to pay a lot more or end up with a crappy phone. With unlocking, and gsm and all of the other things I know nothing about.. Im honestly not sure what my options are. I have no problems, unlocking to get phones on carriers or whatevers needed
Thank you for any advice, and I'm sorry if this is in the wrong section, I Looked over them but didnt see anything close, but may of missed something.
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